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The Oldest Multi-Network Submitter Still Alive! |
Safe-list.com- Safelistsubmitters.com - will be known as Safe-list.com
below in our terms and conditions policies.
Safe-list.com, Safelistsubmitters.com, offers no refunds once
purchased. Advertising is an intangible service that can not be guaranteed. We
do guaranteed your advertising will be made per terms stated on web pages or we will refund your
purchase. Once advertising is purchased it is non refundable. Only purchase from
us if you agree to this term.
Safe-list.com makes no promises or guarantees on advertising services except
that your advertisement will be sent to our members as stated on our websites!
We count web visits internally on our counters. Our counters
are correct and supersede any other tracking counters customers may use. Slow loading
websites can cause your counters not to count visits because our timers on ad
exchanges and paid to read may have expired before your website loads. Your
website may not load. We are not responsible for your website functioning or
slow loads.
Safe-List.Com does not promise our members or customers will make any sales to
your advertising offers provided by Safe-list.com's services! This would be
impossible and dishonest. Advertising is an intangible product and can not be
Safe-list.com does send confirmation emails to let our customers know that their
advertisement has been sent to our members and associated websites each time an
advertisement is sent.. We send confirmation to the email address customer has
indicated on our forms where it asks for customer contact email address. Emails
can not be guaranteed they will reach your inbox due to spam filters set up by
Isps and individual email filters used by clients and other factors that may
limit delivery of emails!
Safe-List.Com Does Not offer any refunds on Advertising Services.
All advertising sales are final... We do not guarantee any results!
Safe-list.com does not download or harvest email addresses from any source.
All members of our programs are double opt in and voluntary!
Our advertising services are can spam compliant!
No adult type ads are ever allowed!
We reserve the right to delete any ad we feel unsuitable!
Any charge backs from customer, customers bank or credit card
processing facility will be turned over to our collection agency for
Customer also agrees that all sales are final and Safe-List.com has made no
promises that sales will be made from Clients advertisement! All Safe-List.Com
advertising via email are can-spam compliant with existing U.S. laws.
Privacy: Safe-List.Com never reveals members personal information to other
members or any 3rd parties.
Does Not Sell Any type device or program to harvest email addresses.
All Safe-List.Com advertising programs are double-opt in and requires members to
validate (confirm) email addresses they use for membership where email ads are
sent to members before membership is
allowed and any advertisements are sent to the member.
Safe-List.Com will from time to time offer our customers that have purchased a
product from us special offers by email. Customer may opt out of receiving such
offers at any time.
Limitation of Liability
Under no circumstances, including, but not limited to, negligence, shall safe-list.com,
its subsidiary and parent companies or affiliates be liable for any direct,
indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages that result from the use
of, or the inability to use, safe-list.com materials, products or services, or
third party materials, products or services made available through safe-list.com.
You specifically acknowledge and agree that safe-list.com is not liable for any
defamatory, offensive or illegal conduct of any user. If you are dissatisfied
with any safe-list.com materials, products or services or with any of safe-list.com
and conditions, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using safe-list.com
services and products and delete your membership if you are a member of any
safelists via remove links in all emails sent to members!
Safe-list.com is Can-Spam Compliant
Safe-List.com supports and is fully compliant with the Can-Spam Act. (15 U.S.C.
7701, et seq., Public Law Number 108-187, S.877 of the 108th Congress), was
signed into law by President Bush on December 16, 2003, establishing the United
States' first national standard for the sending of commercial e-mail and
requires the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to enforce its provisions. The
acronym Can-Spam derives from the bill's full name: Controlling the Assault of
Non-Solicited Pornography And Marketing Act of 2003. Can-Spam Act!
Please check these terms from time to time as they may change. All changes will
be posted here on this page.
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